It is very easy to use Guice’s runtime injector bindings to register MBeans on any instance of mbean server. Lets look at a simple example of a HelloMBean. In this example a simple MBean is created and registered on JBoss using google-guice runtime injection.
/** * Hello MBean */ public interface HelloMBean{ public String sayHello(String name); }
The implementation of this MBean needs to have a method for the injection of the MBeanServer.
/** * HelloMBean implementation */ import; import; import; import; public class Hello implements HelloMBean{ public String sayHello(String name){ return "Hello " + name; } /** * This method is used to inject an MBeanServer instance * that will be used to register this MBean */ @Inject public void register(MBeanServer server){ try { server.registerMBean( this, new ObjectName( "Hello:type=Hello" ) ); } catch (JMException e) { e.printStactTrace(); } } }
Now all that needs to be done is creating an Injector with bean and server bindings. The following piece of code can be used in any class (like a Servlet) to register the MBean when the application is deployed or as part of your injection bootstrap.
import; import; import; import; import; . . . Manager.manage( "ExampleMBean", Guice.createInjector( new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { // Bind the Jboss MBean server instance bind( MBeanServer.class ).toInstance( MBeanServerLocator.locateJBoss() ); bind( HelloMBean.class ).to( Hello.class ).asEagerSingleton(); } } ) );
You can also use “ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer()” to get/create an MBeanServer. Unfortunately this method cannot be used to get/locate the current JBoss MBeanServer, so “MBeanServerLocator” in the last code snippet above is the only way to locate a JBoss MBean Server instance. After the bean is registered you can use jboss jmx-console or jdk’s jconsole to access the mbean.